Wednesday, October 12, 2011

MC DoodBallz & The Oven Fried Rap

This morning I announced to my (long suffering) husband that it was time for us to give up our jobs. I had a new career in mind.

I introduced him to....MC DoodBallz.
I then attempted to drop a beat. The beat turned into me spitting while making weird puffing sounds with my mouth. He offered to drop a beat on my behalf.
MC DoodBallz had been around for less than one minute & was already in need of the assistance of an entourage. DoodBallz was on the scene!

I then busted out a rap that started out about Chickens - as in ladies. Then Chickens turned into chicken. Which turned into oven fried chicken. Because deep frying is bad for your heart. But you want to replicate the texture without any of the fat. So cornflakes are a good substitution. So is Melba toast - for a more crunch, rye type flavor. 

However one then begins to venture into a place where oven fried chicken is ultimately a poor sub-in for fried chicken.
Then it devolved into me musing about oven frying & occasionally calling out "Melba Toast!" while raising the roof.

My name's MC DoodBallz & I'm here to say!
To all of you chickens that come round ma way!
Keep your fat & cholesterol out ma game
I've got a recipe that'll make yours lame

Crush up some melba toast & mix with panko
Don't use no cornflakes! you're off your crank, yo!
Heats up your oven & gets your racks out
Your shit'll be crunchy, don't have no doubt!

Mix mayo! some egg whites! some mustard in dere
Now chunk up that dont' you dare!
don't even look at those fatty chicken thighs
it's breast meat, baby - or a larger pant size!

I could go on....unfortunately.
Alas, I do not think that MC DoodBallz is going to have a lucrative recording career. I'm ahead of my time. If time is circuitous & if by 'ahead' i mean 'behind' - if time goes in a circle & 1988 comes around again I could have a nice career writing cheesy horrible "rap" songs for used car dealerships.

On second thought, I think we may need to keep our day jobs. Which blows. I almost had an entourage.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thoughts on Moneyball

I'm a huge baseball fan and always have been. A lot of people find baseball boring, and it definitely can be. Baseball doesn't have guys running up and down the court and dunking all over the place like basketball does or gigantic freaks of nature crashing into each other at impossible speeds like football does. Baseball takes its time. There's no clock in baseball, so the games just go on until one team wins.