Monday, September 12, 2011


I usually am unaffected by movie trailers. I think that's because 95% of all movies look like absolute dog shit. When something horrible like the third Transformers movie or Paul Blart: Zookeeper is coming out, I'll roll my eyes and think to myself, "Dear God, who in the hell goes to see these piece of shit movies?" Most movies suck, ergo, most movie trailers suck. But, occasionally a movie trailer looks so amazing, so incredible, so life changing that I just can't help myself. I need the movie to come out RIGHT THIS INSTANT or I feel like I'm going to explode.

I love movies and am very selective about the movies I see. I am not one of those people who will be out walking around one day and just decide to go to a movie just because. No, I do my research. Do I like the director? How's the cast? What's the premise? How did the teaser trailer turn out? How did the full trailer turn out? Did it get good reviews? Did it get good reviews from critics I trust? And so on.

Despite all of my research, I still have the ability to be surprised. Occasionally, a movie will just appear, seemingly out of the ether, and I will have no concept of that movie's existence. If the studio is able to put together an engaging trailer with actors I like (and usually in a genre I can't resist), I become like a feral dog. I can barely contain my excitement and I drive myself crazy counting down the days until the movie comes out. Luckily for me, I only have a few more days. Drive finally comes out on Friday.

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