Friday, September 9, 2011


"See that tree? Doesn't it look like a feather duster for a giant clean freak? Like giant giant? Like Jack & the Beanstalk? Do you think the giant would dust her giant bookshelf? The tree would be perfect for knocking dust motes off of her huge library. Her dust motes would be rocks to us. So. Tree? Duster? Giant? Yes?"
"Hahahahaha! Whatever! I was just kidding! Look over there! It's a lady jogging with a golden retriever!"

The above example is a reason that I don't usually tell people what I'm thinking. Part of my reality consists of things like imagining a really teensy version of myself that also happens to be a superhero. Superhero me doesn't have problems with her upper body strength. She is able to hoist her (tiny) self up the side of a water pitcher & take a dip. She can also leap great bounds! From the edge of the table to the chair where she will cling with her uncanny upper body strength!

I could go on.

OK - one more, then I'll quit!

Imagine you're driving down the freeway. Now imagine that you are loping alongside your car, trying to keep up. Your legs are 20 feet long! Can you keep up now? I can! I mean...the me who has 20 foot long legs & doesn't get winded walking upstairs (and really needs some cardio classes).

Anyway - I have these thoughts & completely delight in them. This ridiculously awesome world where superheros exist & they're way tiny! Where giants exist & love nothing more than dusting their extra huge dwellings with normal people trees!

Perhaps it's wrong. Perhaps I should have grown out of this....but doesn't your world need a little spice? Or a little superhero? The littlest superhero? She's got killer upper body strength.

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