Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's Lunchtime

I eat the same thing for lunch every day. It's true! I always pack my own lunch and bring it to work with me. That lunch consists of a sandwich made with mayo, mustard, pepper jack cheese and some sort of lunch meat (I usually rotate between salami, turkey and roast beef), a Ziploc bag full of some sort of potato chip (usually Lays, Doritos or Sun Chips) and a green apple. Oh, sometimes I'll live adventurously and pack a nectarine instead of an apple and sometimes the wife will bake cookies, one of which I'll take with me, but for the most part, that's my lunch. Sandwich, chips, apple.

"Jared," you might be saying to yourself, "Why on Earth do you choose to eat the same thing for lunch day after day? There is so much variety in the food that is available to us here in the good ol' US of A!" And you'd be right, theoretical person who cares to ask me about my eating habits. There ARE a ton of great options for lunch out there. The answer to why I decide to eat the same thing for lunch every day is this: I have absolutely no idea.

Well, that's not entirely true. I work in an office where there are approximately 100 other people on the same floor as me and the number of microwaves in our break room/kitchen equals two. So, I don't particularly like to stand in line waiting to use a microwave to heat up some frozen dinner (plus, those things are way gross) or leftovers I might have from last night's dinner. Also, the potential for awkward small talk with a coworker is extremely high while waiting for the microwave, something I pretty much try to avoid at all costs. Oh sure, sometimes I'll be out of the essentials for packing my regular lunch and be forced to stand in the microwave line like a total sucker, but for the most part, who has two thumbs and doesn't microwave his lunch? This guy.

Also, I guess the sandwich/chips/apple combo is my version of comfort food. When I was a kid, that's pretty much all I packed (or my mom packed) when I was in school. Of course, I've upgraded from white bread to wheat bread and the thought of a bologna sandwich pretty much makes me want to throw up (I'm pretty sure I ate a bologna sandwich for like 2,486 straight days from elementary school to middle school), but the basic tenets of lunch remain. So there you have it, my lunch habits are those of a 13 year old.

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