Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What Can I Get Y'all Tonight?

"Young lady, do we look like 'guys'?"


"We are not 'guys'. Do not refer to us that way. Either say 'ladies' or say 'y'all'."

"Yes, ma'am!"

That was one of my first exchanges when I waited tables. Do NOT refer to a group of elderly southern women as 'guys'. Not eve when you're asking if you can get them a beverage.

I had other mishaps. I once spilled four glasses of iced tea into an older gentleman's lap. I then shrieked, dropped to my knees & frantically started dabbing at his crotch with my side towel. He & his family were not too pleased.

Good service in a restaurant can change the whole experience. Bad food can always be redeemed by an excellent waiter or waitress. A shitty server can ruin an entire evening, regardless of the quality of the food.

I went out with a friend tonight & we ended up with the best of all scenarios. Excellent company (thanks, Jen!), delicious food, reasonable prices & quality service. Our waiter was clearly delighted to be serving the food. He was knowledgeable, attentive & charming.

I wondered how I would have handled our table. I probably would have smiled too much, acted too enthusiastic, put a weird strain on the interaction. It's not knocking my old waitressing style, it's just how I rolled.

When I didn't smile, I looked like I was pouting. Best to compensate with a jack-o-lantern grin at all times. Slightly off putting, but I kept those iced teas filled, so there wasn't a lot my tables had to complain about.

Unless the iced tea went flying. Sorry, guys!!

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