Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stuck in a Musical Rut

I hate it when people ask me what type of music I listen to or what my favorite band is. If I say I listen to The Rolling Stones or The Clash or Van Halen, I feel like I'm 87 years old. If I say that I like old school hip hop artists like Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg or the Notorious BIG, I feel like the lame white kid who grew up in the suburbs that I am. I'd much rather discuss movies or TV shows, because I have excellent taste when it comes to both the big and small screens. (I'm also way humble.)

Here's the thing, if I can avoid it, I don't listen to pop radio stations. I also refuse to watch American Idol or The Voice or any of those other horrible karaoke shows, so I am consistently behind the times musically. If you name a musical act that has released a song in the past year, there is a 90% chance I will have no idea who you are talking about. Adele? Bruno Mars? Ne-yo? Drake? (Blank stare.)

Unfortunately, this ends up manifesting itself at work in the form of an iTunes playlist that I probably last updated in 2010. My music has grown stale. Sitting at a desk for eight hours a day with nothing but the same 20 or 30 artists I've been listening to for the past year and a half or so has grown old. A man can only listen to Weezer's Blue Album so many times.

Even KROQ, the alternative rock station here in LA, offers few options for good new music. Muse, Coldplay, Foster the People, Radiohead: I can't stand any of these bands. The common denominator with all of the bands I listed above is this: the whiny lead singer. I can't stand listening to a rock band where the singer croons in some awful, high pitched whine. It's like nails on a chalkboard. Radiohead is one of the most acclaimed bands of all time and Muse and Coldplay aren't too far behind. I can't change the station fast enough when one of their songs starts playing.

So I guess I'll just have to accept my fate. My name is Jared, and I am musically un-hip.

And yes, I know this whole post is basically one big White Whine.

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